In 1987, the Lord put it on the hearts of several families to leave Denton Bible Church (DBC) in order to plant a new church in Sanger, TX. Their prayer was for the Lord to replicate the richness of Bible teaching and Christian community they had experienced at DBC in the town they each called home. In 1988, the Lord brought this prayer to fruition. Several additional families joined the new work under lead pastor Rich Cozart. Through Rich’s leadership and expository preaching, the new community sprung to life. This early growth confirmed the conviction that Sanger was hungry for God’s Word and needed a church family just like this one. Over the next two decades, the church went through several changes under two other pastors. But the twin values of solid Bible teaching and a rich family-like community remained constant. In the late 1990s, a difficult church split left Grace without a pastor and only a handful of members. It was during this time that Teresa Woodruff, a long time member of Grace, reached out to Pastor Tommy Nelson at DBC and demanded he take care of this little church they had planted! The Lord used this encounter to send DBC’s missions pastor, James Arnold, to pastor Grace back to health. The church experienced a new lease on life under James’ pastorate and later under John Brown. Tommy Bosworth was privileged to intern under both of these godly men and became GBC’s most recent lead pastor in 2012. Over two and half decades, the church has experienced times of abundance and times of famine. Through it all, the Lord has been faithful. The Lord has always provided the finances the church needed to function at the time. The twin values of solid Bible teaching and a rich family-like community have been part of GBC’s DNA from its inception. Through her many challenges, GBC never lost sight of these. By God’s grace, the church remains marked by them today.