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If this is your first time visiting us, we’d like to welcome you. If you’d like to hear more about joining our church or if we can pray more specifically for you, please click the button below to fill out a visitor card online.

What are your services like?

Our services tend to be pretty simple and run about 90 minutes in length.
• We pray, because we believe that God is our provider and that He desires us to seek after Him.
• We sing, because God is worthy of our praise.
• We preach God’s Word, because we believe that God gives life through His Scriptures.
• We proclaim the gospel, because it is the message of salvation for those who don’t know God and the message of strength for those who do know Him.
• We talk a lot about Jesus, because He is the only hope for the world.


How early should I arrive?

If you're checking in kids, we recommend arriving at least 10 minutes before the service. Feel free to come early and grab a cup of coffee in the far corner of the sanctuary.


What should I wear?

We care about you, not what you’re wearing. At Grace Bible Church, there is no dress code! Some people wear jeans and t-shirts, while others show up in their Sunday best. We want you to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable! We’re a church full of imperfect, broken people who are being changed by Jesus and serving others together. Regardless of your story, we believe you belong!


Do I need a Bible?

If you own a Bible, yes, bring it! We begin each sermon by opening our Bibles. We teach from the English Standard Version (ESV). If you don't own a Bible, we have Bibles available at the entrance to the sanctuary.


What songs do you sing?

We sing a mix of old and new hymns and songs, all with a commitment to biblical faithfulness, theological richness, and congregational participation in our singing. 


What about my kids?

Grace Kids classes are currently provided for infants through 5th grade. Arrive at least 10 minutes early to register your kids at the entrance of the sanctuary. Families sit together for the first part of the service and dismiss children to their classes immediately before the sermon. The last Sunday of each month is Family Sunday, when we let our kids over the age of 4 stay for the entire worship service. Grace Kids workers enjoy the break, and our littlest worshipers get to see their parents' faith modeled. Don't worry, children's noises are the signs our church is full of life!


Do you have a cry room available?

Yes, we have space in the kids area for the comfort of our new moms and babies. Just ask one of the Grace Kids volunteers wearing the red lanyards. They can assist you.


Where do I go if I have additional questions?

On Sundays, the folks at the welcome table just inside the entrance can answer any questions you might have. During the week, you can email us at and we'll be sure to get you the information you need.

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